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to the Rebel Health Collective

This blog is 2 days old and under construction 🚧 !


We are working to quickly get content loaded, pages made, and information out. If learning how you can go outside the normal medical practices, find resources, and be apart of a larger collection of like minded people interests you, subscribe below!


The end goal of this blog is to create a community of people willing to go the extra mile to take their health and wellness into their own hands. The information and resources provided will not be a magic pill. They will not turn your life around in a day. But they WILL allow you to open more doors, question norms, and enable you to be your biggest advocate  when it comes to your health.


I hope that you will join me in creating a community to lean on, grow with, and rebel against the normal "sick care" loop we are stuck in!


At Rebel Health Collective, we believe that every individual has the right to take charge of their health and well-being. While traditional healthcare providers play a crucial role, there are numerous ways to complement their care and ensure you are at the center of your health journey.


Our healthcare teams often have our best interest in mind, but honestly often do not have the time to spend hours working on individual cases or patients. This is why we must be not only informed, but also confident that when we start a treatment, it is solving the route cause. Not just masking the symptoms and often causing another area of our health to take a nose dive. 


Remember, you are more than an equal partner in your health care. Doctors and healthcare providers are experts in medicine, but you are the expert on your own life and experiences. By advocating for yourself, you ensure that your health care reflects your values and meets your unique needs.


None of the contents of this website, social media, or podcast is meant to be medical advice. The sole purpose of this community is to bring forward resources, provide information, and ensure patients are in the driver seat of their medical journey. 

Mountain Climbing
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