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My Story

Hello! My name is Josh Bostick and I am the founder of Defiant Diabetics. I am a Type 1 Diabetic on the Dexcom G6 and T:slim insulin pump. I have been diagnosed with Type 1 for almost 1 year. While that does not seem like a long time, I have learned more than I ever could have imagined in this one year. This blog and the community I am trying to build is focused on thinking outside the norms of the traditional medical advice we are given upon diagnosis. Being a diabetic, Type 1 or 2, is so much more than just simply "staying in range". There is so much more we can do besides taking insulin or pills. Many of these things not only can help reduce complications down the road, but get us off the never ending high/low blood sugar rollercoaster many of us face. 

My diagnosis and the daily struggles that come with being a Type 1 are usually at the forefront of my daily life. However, lately I have found myself trying to look down the road. Sure there is micro managing throughout the day that we HAVE to focus on and do. There are the thoughts of carb counting, when am I going to exercise, did I take my basal last night, how much longer is my sensor active for, what events do I have going on that I need to turn off my sensor/pump notifications for, and a million other things that the normal person does not even consider once in a day. While these thoughts are important, and essential for our daily survival, what about long term? What can we do today, to ensure 5, 10, 15, 20+ years down the road we are still kicking it. But more importantly, we are kicking it and living a life worth living. No one wants to grow old and be dealing with cardiovascular disease, nerve damage  (neuropathy), kidney damage, retinopathy or damage to the feet from poor blood flow. 


I am not a doctor. This is not medical advice. This blog will simply be tips, tricks, habits, and lifestyle changes I have found that help me. They make my life more simple. They help me think long term rather than just day by day. Longevity & simplicity. Lets live long. Lets simplify diabetes. Lets do it together. There is no masterclass, no membership, no subscription fee. Just free content, my ups & downs, and lessons learned. 


It is going to be a wild ride. I hope that you will join me and help create a community that embrace one another. Lift others up when they are down, share ideas and tips that work for you, and most importantly have a support system to help you live long and simply. 


I'm always looking for new and exciting opportunities. Let's connect.


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